
Car Ride Revelations

Driving in a car alone 9 out of 10 times ends up with me talking to God and having my eyes opened to a lot (the other 1/10 times it consists of me jammin out to Nsync).
So, this is what I thought about during the two hour drive from Eden to Durham (keep in mind that sometimes my thoughts are a little scattered):

What if we simply left each moment in the hands of God? There are so many different events that happen in a lifetime. Some good, some not. But whether what happens is good or bad, if we let God hold our every moment and just accept that things happen for a reason and truly search for that reason, we could be filled with a crazy amount of peace, freedom, understanding and wisdom. Kind of like that famous spanish phrase "que sera sera" (what will be, will be). If we stop trying so hard to control each situation and just decide we will do our best to love God, ourselves and others, we don't have to be so disappointed with outcomes that we don't want. We can learn from mistakes and move on. We can enjoy the good times without getting too full of ourselves. We can learn more about God's amazing love for us and his plan for our lives. Can you imagine?

I'm coming up to a big transition in life. I'm about to graduate college. I have no clue what I'm doing after December 17th. But, I'm okay with that because I really do believe that God will reveal his plan in his timing. Whether I land a super great job, go to grad school or even end up stuck at home working at a fast food joint, it will be what God wants. It's a win-win situation. Wherever I end up, it will be where God wants me. If it's an unpleasant place, I can have hope that he will teach me something through the pain and let's face it: going through a painful experience to learn anything about the creator of life and love... that's unfair. I don't even deserve to know such a great God let alone serve him. But I do and I can! What a sweet gig!

Let me address a few more things:

What about losing loved ones or people in general? Trust me, I know a little something about that. I'm not trying to diminish any heartache or say that bad things can't happen if you just trust in the Lord Jesus Christ (insert cheesy smile). We all have heartaches in life. But, I do believe that it will cushion the blow a little to lean on the Lord at all times and to trust him to bring you comfort. Not saying that means you should push everyone else out. God uses people everyday. Ask and trust him to send you friends of comfort and understanding. He's good for that (shout out to any of my friends who have stuck with me through a hard time, you're truly a blessing). Also, if you think about it, sometimes his plan for someone else is to go home with him. It was time. Even if it was unexpected or through a tragic time, it was time. His timing is perfect. Wrestle with that. Ask him about it. He's always answered me when I really wrestle with something. (side note: sometimes the answer isn't what you want to hear... it could just big a big fat "TRUST ME")

What about everyone in the world (including the United States) who does not have a home/job/food? I am absolutely not saying that we should not feel moved to serve others. We are called to fight injustices in this world and to love others. I believe that everyone is called to love others in different ways as well. For some that is by serving with their money, some it is time, some it is through photography/videography, some it is through music, some it is through .

All my single folks who are still searching for that "special someone" (I feel you)... don't be so concerned with finding that person that you forget that God has a purpose for you where you're at. Trust that when it's time, you'll know. I don't think there's really such thing as "missing your moment". That must have not been your moment if you "missed" it. You are also not doomed or damaged goods simply because you're single. God is making you into who he wants you to be. Be you and strive to be the best you you can be. If you're doing that then you're on the right track. In the lonely times be real with God. Tell him you're lonely. For me, he either takes away the pain, or he allows me to feel that way so that I will truly appreciate a companion later in life. Maybe sometimes we need to experience some rain before the rainbow? (cheesy, but you get the point)

Anyway, all of this to say, give it a try sometime. Be real with God. No point in trying to fluff it up with someone who knew you before you were even created. Tell him when you hurt and try trusting him to either heal you to provide you with understanding. Tell him when you don't know what to do and not only ask him for guidance, but leave it in his hands. Stop trying to control it. That will make you miserable and disappointed.

That's all.

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