

Yesterday (Tuesday), I went out to Broad River with a friend who wanted to do a shoot. The light was kind of crappy (as expected from an area with a billion trees) so I used my flash a lot. One thing I decided to try was using attaching a cord to my flash and moving it around. Not the first time I've done it, but it isn't something I do often. It is for sure a challenge for me to do while taking the photo at the same time (if only I had three hands!!). Maybe I should start charging people a little bit for shoots just so that I can pay an assistant to hold my flash and flags and reflectors?

Anyway, I'm kind of proud of what I ended up with so I decided heck, why not dust off the old blog and put a few photos up!
So, here ya go.

Model: Letoya Twitty

Even though this one is a little dark by her face, I still like it.

My personal favorite. Love this dangerous/serious look.

Good thing I know very beautiful people who like to get their photo taken!

Anyway, that's all I'm gonna put up for now. I'm thinking of challenging myself over the summer to do a photo a day thing so I don't get in a rut where I am not shooting every day like I do at school. So maybe you'll see more blogs soon!

Have a lovely, lovely day!