
Value life

Yesterday, I saw something that made me sad. I saw some people who lived in the inner city and it honestly just made me sad. I see the potential in people and I see people wasting their lives and it is sad. It makes me just as sad as rich people who are not generous with their money. Just as sad as middle class people who are just trying to make it through life one day at a time. Most of these people are missing the point.

It isn't that I have pity for the poor or that I'm bitter toward the rich. It is that I see lives being wasted all over the place. Life is a gift and can be used to change this world. You aren't limited to what your parents say or what your friends say you can or can't do. You are who you are. You are valuable and worthy of a fulfilling life that is not filled with self glory, but rather with selflessness and humbleness. You are worthy of a life of service and of a plan far greater than yourself.

Life is more than you a chance to get everything you wanted. Everything you want isn't really what your soul longs for. Don't you hear your soul crying out for something more? You desire love. Real, true, pure, and holy love. Don't you want that? I sure as day do.

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